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The simplest and fastest website solution for entrepreneurs with great growth ambitions.

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The first key benefit of managed hosting is time.


By offloading the management of your hosting to a dedicated team, you can focus on what matters most: running your business. You no longer need to worry about server maintenance or stay up-to-date with the latest security threats.

Secondly, you’re getting access to expertise. Our team at Vianubis has years of experience and a deep understanding of the hosting environment. This means we can often prevent issues before they arise and resolve any problems quickly and efficiently when they do.

Third, managed hosting provides enhanced security. At Vianubis, we go above and beyond to protect our customers’ data. From firewalls and antivirus software to DDoS protection and spam filtering, we use a range of advanced security measures to keep your data safe.

Finally, with managed hosting, you get peace of mind. You can rest easy knowing that your website is in good hands and that help is always just a call or click away.”

In conclusion, managed hosting is a hassle-free solution that allows you to focus on your business while we take care of the technical details. Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, managed hosting can offer you a wealth of benefits.

Why should i choose managed hosting at Vianubis

Focus on Core Business

With managed hosting, SMBs can leave the technicalities to the experts at Vianubis. This allows them to devote more time and energy to their primary business operations.

High-level Security

Vianubis provides robust security measures, including firewalls, security audits, and regular updates, ensuring your data and website are protected against potential threats.


Vianubis’s dedicated support team is available round the clock to address any issues or queries, minimizing downtime and ensuring smooth operations.


Managed hosting at Vianubis provides high-end infrastructure and expert support, which would be cost-prohibitive for many SMBs to implement in-house.


By choosing Vianubis, SMBs contribute to a greener planet. Vianubis is deeply committed to environmental sustainability, using renewable energy sources and implementing green practices in its operations.


As your business grows, Vianubis’s managed hosting can easily adapt, allowing you to easily upgrade your resources as required.

Overall, choosing managed hosting at Vianubis allows SMBs to enjoy reliable, secure, and scalable hosting services, all while supporting a greener planet.

What about security and privacy


When it comes to managed hosting, one of the standout benefits is undoubtedly the enhanced security. Imagine having a dedicated team of cyber guards, ensuring the safety of your website around the clock – that’s what managed hosting at Vianubis offers.

Firstly, we conduct regular security audits and checks to identify any potential vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. This proactiveness allows us to stay one step ahead of potential cyber threats.

Secondly, we handle all software updates and patches promptly, which is critical in maintaining a secure environment. Outdated software can often become a gateway for cyberattacks, but with managed hosting, we make sure your software is always up-to-date and secured against known vulnerabilities.

Thirdly, we employ sophisticated firewalls and intrusion detection systems that continuously monitor and protect your website against unauthorized access or attacks. Any malicious activity is swiftly detected and dealt with.

Lastly, managed hosting at Vianubis includes regular data backups. In the unlikely event of a data breach or loss, having updated backups means your website can be restored quickly, minimizing downtime and potential damage.

In essence, managed hosting offers a robust security blanket for your website. You can focus on your business, knowing that your website’s security is being handled by cybersecurity professionals who are dedicated to safeguarding your online presence.

Vianubis is currently in beta and available by invite only.

What are the benefits of managed hosting?

Dedicated Resources

Unlike shared hosting where resources (CPU, RAM) are shared among all users on a server, managed hosting often provides you with dedicated resources. This means your website will have its own specific allocation of resources, improving performance and reliability.

Enhanced security

Managed hosting generally offers a higher level of security compared to shared hosting. This includes regular updates, patches, and sophisticated security measures like advanced firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits.

Greater Flexibility

Managed hosting gives you more control and flexibility over your server environment. You can customize your server to meet your specific needs, including installing special software or changing server configuration.

Technical Support

Managed hosting services usually come with premium technical support. This means that expert help is available whenever you need it, including for tasks such as site migration, server configuration, and troubleshooting.


Managed hosting plans are typically more scalable than shared hosting plans. This means you can easily upgrade your plan and resources as your website grows.

Backups and Recovery

Managed hosting providers often include automated backups and recovery solutions. This is crucial for disaster recovery and maintaining data integrity.

What is Managed Hosting

Should I choose Managed Hosting or Managed Server? Managed hosting and Managed Server services are often used interchangeably. They both refer to a service where the hosting provider not only provides the physical server infrastructure but also takes on the responsibility of managing the hardware, operating system and system software.

However, if we try to differentiate between the two, the distinction often lies in the level of management provided and the amount of customer control.

1. Managed Hosting: In a typical Managed Hosting environment, the hosting provider owns and oversees the infrastructure, including the physical servers, network, operating system, and system software. The provider takes care of all the backend services, maintenance and updates. The customer is only responsible for managing their applications and data. Managed Hosting often includes services like system monitoring, backups, security checks and technical support.

OK, so we know now what Managed Hosting is. What about Managed Server?

2. Managed Hosting: This is often a more specific term within Managed Hosting. It typically refers to a single dedicated (virtual) server that is rented out to a single client. The hosting provider takes care of the server’s setup, maintenance, security and updates. However the customer generally has more control over the server configuration and can customize the server’s hardware and software to their specific needs. The hosting provider takes care of the essential maintenance and management tasks.

These definitions may vary between different hosting providers. Therefore, when considering a Managed Hosting or Managed Server service, it’s essential to understand precisely what services and responsibilities the hosting provider covers. Often ‘cheap’ is expensive in this industry.

For us at Vianubis, managed means that we carry out the full (technical management) of the website or server for you. You don’t have to have any technical knowledge yourself.

With Managed Hosting you share a server with other customers. With Managed Server you have a complete server at your disposal. The latter is a bit more expensive, but then you really has something cool. Try to imagine all those cores, RAM and storage. All for yourself! (Editorial: these last sentences were added by Ethan. He insisted that we did not delete them).

Focus on your business

Perhaps the most significant advantage of managed hosting is that it allows you to focus on your business rather than managing server-related tasks. The hosting provider takes care of the technical management aspect, freeing up your time and energy.

Overall, while shared hosting might be a good option for smaller, less complex websites, managed hosting is generally a better choice for larger sites and businesses that require more resources, enhanced security, and higher levels of customization and control.

Customize your Managed HOsting

€ 74,99

€ 29,99/p.m.*

Free goodies


CPU cores: Select the number of CPU cores you need.
RAM: Different levels of RAM according to your requirements.
Storage: SSD or HDD, and storage capacity.
Network Bandwidth: Customizable limits for data transfer.
Scalability: Options to easily upgrade or downgrade the service.


Firewall Rules: Customized firewall settings.
DDoS Protection: Levels of protection against DDoS attacks.
Backup Options: Frequency and extent of backups, off-site backups.
SSL Certificates: Different types (e.g., EV SSL, wildcard SSL, etc.)


Operating System: Offer a variety of OS choices like Ubuntu, Almalinux.
Web Server Software: Choices between Apache, Nginx, or others.
Database Engines: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc.
CMS Installations: One-click installs for WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc.

Support and maintenance

Service Level Agreement: 99,9% uptime, 99,99% uptime…
Response Time: How fast support will respond to queries or issues. Monitoring Services: Different levels of monitoring for server performance, security, etc.
Technical Support: 24/7 support, dedicated support agent, etc.
Updates and Patches: Frequency and timing of software updates.

* Promotional rate for the first 6 months only. Subscriptions are annually and will ben prolonged automatically for another 12 months . All prices are exclusive of VAT.

** You can always send an email to our Help Center. You might even get an answer. Even at night.

PRiya needs your help

“Thank you for considering Vianubis. We’ve developed our one-size-fits-all hosting plan specifically for WordPress. We did put a lot of effort in our research, but your unique perspective is invaluable to us. Could you share your thoughts on our plan?

What are your specific WordPress hosting needs and how can we better meet them? At Vianubis, we aim to offer services that truly benefit our customers while championing environmental sustainability. Your feedback helps us make this possible. Thanks for helping us out”.

Priya, network architect

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5GB storage. And the rest?


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Is Managed Hosting better at Vianubis?

Managed hosting and managed servers can often be complicated, but at Vianubis, we’ve redefined these services to suit your unique needs—all while minimizing our ecological footprint. Ethan, our technical virtuoso, has more to say on this:

“At Vianubis, we’ve not only engineered our managed hosting and server solutions to eliminate common performance and security issues, but we’ve also gone the extra mile for the environment. By utilizing green datacenters and extending the lifecycle of our servers through refurbishment, we’ve substantially reduced our ecological footprint. Couple that with our advanced server isolation via CloudLinux, top-tier security through Imunify360, and the flexibility of the Plesk control panel, and you get a service that’s both user-friendly and planet-friendly.”

Choose Vianubis for a unique managed hosting and server experience that doesn’t compromise on performance or sustainability. Here, your specific needs and long-term success are our top priorities.

Want to know what drives us?

Unleash the potential of your business with our ground-breaking white paper.

Dive deep into our unique perspective on how the hosting industry should empower small businesses and individuals, allowing them to concentrate on their core objectives and personal pursuits.

Experience the Vianubis difference! Enjoy unparalleled security, reliability, and freedom from online worries.

We’ve got your digital presence covered, so you can put all your energy into what truly matters.

Join us today and elevate your online experience. Don’t let this opportunity slip by - because at Vianubis, we’re all about accelerating your success!

Need help?

our Help Center is ready for you

Having a website can be complicated. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out? We are here to help you. Our preferred way of contact is to first check our website vianubis.eu or send an email to service@vianubis.eu.

For high priority issues you can call us on +31 85 080 5980. We are available every working day between 10:00 - 16:00 CET.